Produced by the renowned Gerardo Quiroz, one of the most prolific and well-known Mexican producers, “Rock of Ages” is the story of a small-town girl and a city boy as they meet on Sunset Strip while pursuing their dreams of fame and stardom. Their rock n’ roll love story is complemented with hits by artists such as Def Leppard, Joan Jett, Journey, Foreigner, Bon Jovi, Night Ranger, REO Speedwagon, Pat Benatar, Twisted Sister, Poison, Whitesnake, and more. This Broadway hit will be available in Cancun temporary up to January 15, 2018. “Rock of Ages” will be performed at Limelight Theatre within Dreams Playa Mujeres, with a capacity for up to 350 guests comfortably seated. The Limelight Theatre Bar serves a variety of drinks and a comfortable lounge space conveniently situated near the vicinity. Showtimes include Fridays and Saturdays at 7:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., as well as Sundays and Mondays at 7:00 p.m. only. Ask you IIT representative for more information or sp...