A picture speak louder than a thousand words

In the wake of yesterday’s single viral note about security in Cancun, many visitors start to be concern nevertheless the number of posts in various social media channels of people enjoying #Cancun is overwhelming!

We totally understand the power of today’s technology to make a single  the bad news viral by finding echo in different news channels and of course the negative impact it causes in people’s mind, nevertheless regardless of how many views a note can acquired it does not change the reality.

Cancun’s reality is:
  • Cancun still a Premium destination worldwide and is perfectly safe.
  • The number of visitors increased from 21 million to 23 million just last year.
  • Tourism is running with normality just as the daily life’s for locals and nothing has changed.
  • We have an average 86% occupancy with over 35,000 Hotel rooms available in Cancun area along.
  • There are hundreds of post of people from all over the globe enjoying Cancun just this morning in mejor social media channels, just visit the one of your preference to see it yourself. 
There is no denial that Cancun have security issues but nothing different from any other big city in the world, we take security very seriously specially when it comes to tourism; every hotel has its own security and guarded gates, we also have Marines and a specialized Tourism Police as part of Cancun’s permanent security surveillance for tourism on top of the regular police forces, but this is not new it has always been that way and we will maintain it as it is, just because we care that much for our visitors and Security is our priority.

If you have a joyfull story of your visit to #Cancun share with us using #MakeMeViral and we will tell the the world about it!


By Oscar Flores, CIS
